Pre-Conference Luncheon

Jesus Wake-Up, My Boat is Sinking
Friday March 18, 2011

Come enjoy the opportunity to visit our featured speaker, the worship team and your fellow sisters in the Lord in a much more intimate setting.  You will be stretched, challenged, encouraged and receive an amazing lunch provided by our phenomenal chef, Matt Carlson.  You won't want to miss our pre-conference luncheon.

Our theme:  Jesus Wake Up!  My Boat is Sinking!  Have ever felt like the disciple Peter?  The storms of life are hitting you at gale force and it seems as though Jesus is asleep in your boat, unaware of the impending doom that threatens you?  Come join us as speaker and author Susan Farren brings to light God's perspective when we face the unsettling and even frightening moments in our lives. 

Our speaker:  Susan Farren is a woman well acquainted with the challenges of an unpredictable and adventurous life.  Susan is a former Oakland paramedic, paramedic instructor and stand-up comedienne.  She is a sought after inspirational speaker and has become widely known through her book, "The Fireman's Wife" (Hyperion 2006).  She wrote it after her husband, Dan had a near fatal accident fighting a fire.  In her book she shares her experience as  a wife and mother struggling to raise a growing family in the midst of an unpredictable, exciting and sometimes frustrating life with the fire service. 

Check In 11:30
Luncheon Concludes at 2:30 p.m.

Cost:  $12.00